
Chemical Peels

Siti Medical Spa Chemical Peels are a type of procedure during which a substance is applied to the skin resulting in faster skin cell turnover. The goal of chemical peeling is to rejuvenate the skin or address a specific problem such as acne, acne scars, razor bumps, blemishes, melasma wrinkles, sun damage or fine lines. Even if you don’t have a specific skin problem, getting a chemical peel is a great way to restore or maintain a glowing complexion. Given then their effectiveness, safety and affordability, chemical peels are a very popular Siti Med Spa procedure.

There are different types of chemical peels (superficial, medium, and deep) which offer different benefits and risks. People of all ethnic backgrounds can enjoy the benefits of a chemical peel so long as they are under the care of a qualified professional who knows how to select the right peel for the right patient. We offer a variety of the more superficial, medical grade chemical peels that get results but have little to no downtime.

What happens during a chemical peel?

The procedure usually takes no more than 20 minutes. After cleansing the face, or other area to be treated, a peeling agent is applied. Depending on which agent is used, it may be washed off or left on the skin. The peeling process usually begins 1-3 days after the procedure and is complete in 5-7 days. The skin may appear dry and flaky during this time. Moisturizer and sunscreen must be used regularly during the 5-7 days after the peel. Use of these products helps achieve better healing and masks the peeling process. You will be able to return to work or other activities immediately after your chemical peel. Peels can be repeated in 2-4 weeks. More than one peel may be required depending on your goals and condition

Use of products containing retinoids, glycolic acid, and salicylic acid, as well as scrubs, microdermabrasion and waxing should be avoided for 3 days before and for 1 week after a chemical peel.

Although results may be achieved after one treatment, a series of 3-6 treatments may be required depending on the peel, other treatments used, and the condition.

Siti Medical Spa offers a variety of chemical peels including:

Glycolic Acid (Alpha Hydroxy Acid)– one of our lighter peels. Glycolic acid peels are an excellent choice for acne, sun damage, fine lines, and hyperpigmentation. Preferred in patients who have aspirin allergy.
Salicylic Acid (Beta Hydroxy Acid)– like glycolic peels, salicylic acid peels are great for acne, hyperpigmentation, sun damage, and fine lines but are slightly stronger.
Jessners Peel– This slightly stronger peel gives dramatic results after even one peel. It is more effective for textural changes resulting from sun damage and acne scarring in addition to being an excellent choice for acne, fine lines, and discoloration.
Trichloroacetic Acid Peel (TCA)– TCA Peels come in different strengths. The medium depth peels can be excellent for the treatment of sun damage and depressed acne scars. Patients with darker complexions may need to prep the skin with a bleaching cream for 2 to 3 weeks prior to treatment. This peel generally has a longer period of downtime (approximately 1 week) but it delivers more dramatic results.

Call today to schedule a consultation.